
Keiko Fukuda Sensei will celebrate her 98th birthday on April 12, 2011!

The celebrating has begun, as we taped a TV interview yesterday for broadcast on Saturday March 12th. Keiko Fukuda will be on KTSF channel 26 – Japanese American Journal. On March 26th she will be honored by the National Japanese American Historical Society. Then at 1:30pm, on April 10th Sensei’s Soko Joshi Judo will be doing a demonstration at the Peach Plaza in Japantown for the Cherry Blossom Festival. On April 17th please come out and join in for all the fun, at the 2011 Cherry Blossom Parade, where Keiko Fukuda will be a grand marshal!

The film marches forward as we edit. We are still looking for finishing funds, so any and all information, contacts, and contributions are appreciated. If anyone has any connections to Oprah Winfrey, we are most anxious to connect with her as her new network recently announced that they will be supporting documentaries. There is a natural connection as the story was originally found in Oprah’s “O” magazine. “Be Strong, Be Gentle, Be Beautiful,” the film seems like the natural progression.

Also for anyone who is interested, there is a new biography of Keiko Fukuda’s life. “Bow from the Heart,” by Patricia Harrington. To order the book please contact Julia Hoitt at:

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